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a workshop in body and imagination
with Miranda Tufnell
June 30th-July 2nd 2023
Ashprington village hall, Devon, TQ9 7UW


“The heart has its reasons which reason does not know”Blaise Pascal 

A workshop to listen and explore the dynamic landscapes of the heart  – taking time to drop down into the feeling world of the body, sensing  into  the  emergent gestures of the  heart’s embryological  forming –  awakening  into the enfolding  rhythms of  breath and of  bone. 

We can often feel numb, scattered  and  overwhelmed by the pace and sheer volume of information that deluge our lives.  Only as we slow down and drop   below the surface of our everyday eyes can perception awaken into the  nuance and complexity of life both within and around us that bring a renewed  sense of   connectedness and  coherence. As earth depends on the warmth of the sun, so every cell in our own body depends on the heart’s field of intelligence for  resonating  through and uniting our  cellular orchestra  – our hearts  shine,  cloud, melt,  harden and even break as both loss and joy infuse our lives.  Movement opens our eyes into underworlds – invisible  forces  begin to  reveal themselves – weaving us more fully into connection with these  living landscapes.

Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable.”  Mary Oliver .

Miranda Tufnell ( is a dance artist, writer and teacher in movement and imagination. She is also an Alexander teacher and cranio-sacral therapist. 

She has been teaching and making performances for over  45 years. Her work, both as a performer, movement educator and body therapist (working 14 years within the NHS) has been to explore the ‘nature’ of body, and the ways in which movement shapes our sense of meaning, language and perception. With Chris Crickmay she co-authored two handbooks on sourcing creative work entitled Body Space Image (1990) and A Widening Field (2004). Her most recent book is When I Open My Eyes: dance health imagination (2017). Based in rural Northumberland she teaches widely and offers one-to-one creative space retreats.

Wear warm, loose clothes and layers for moving inside and out,  bring notebook – and lunch.

Where: Ashprington Village Hall, Devon, TQ9 7UW

Friday: 2.30pm – 5.30pm
Saturday: 10am – 5pm
Sunday: 10am – 4pm

Cost: £150

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