I’ve just heard that Janet Adler passed over today. Her development of the discipline of Authentic Movement has greatly influenced my work over the last decade.
Over the last while I’ve been sitting with feelings around somatic elders (and other elders) of Janet’s generation and how they are either nearing the end of their lives or at a point where they may naturally be feeling the pull to live within a slower pulse.
I’ve had feelings of deep gratitude, respect for the discipline these elders embody and how that has enabled them to develop bodies of work into something of service, and also of concern about what next…
We live in a world where the embodiment of true eldership seems to grow ever more scarce. I am concerned for the generations to come.
At the same time, I am also heartened by those I witness growing in to their elderhood. There are still elders amongst us and perhaps, a bit like if we provide wildflowers for the pollinators, were we to provide ourselves for the elders it may support them to thrive and then pass on something of meaning.
A winding way to say, a pause of deep gratitude to you, Janet. Thank you for all you have brought & shared. And a deep bow to all the elders who continue to root down and weave wider in service of the world. We need you.